JC Grooming's Blog

A Place to Learn the Finer Points of Men's Grooming, Style, and Products.

beard man style

Top 5 Hair Styles to Match Your Beard

When people talk about hair styles or beard styles, they tend to think of them as two separate entities. The hair on top of your

beard man sunglasses

Why Did My Beard Stop Growing?

When you start growing your beard, you probably have a goal in mind for what you want it to look like. For some, that’s a

Beard History

The Most Influential Beards in US History

We all know beards have had their place in history, and today in celebration of our great nation’s birthday I wanted to make note of

The Ultimate Honey DIY Beard Mask

I know, I know this probably sounds outlandish. But you clicked and got this far so you might as well give it a chance. Today

JC Grooming Products

Beard Toolkit For Beginner

When you set out to grow a beard, you’re committing to spending the time, effort and patience to grow something great. When I first started

beard man in fall

Spring Beard Style Guide – Top 4 Styles

As crazy as it sounds, Spring is just around the corner. Despite the below freezing temperatures, we’re actually only a month away from the spring

beard butter

Top 5 Uses for Beard Butter

In the men’s grooming world, there are tons of products that claim to boost the health of your hair, beard, and skin in a very

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